The school does not operate a transport service to pick up and drop off students from and to their homes.
We, however, prequalify private transporters to provide this service.
The transporters are required to comply with the following criteria and are listed as TiS pre-qualified transporters:
- Fully functional DashCam & CCTV monitored by the Driver
- Seat belts (For all school vans)
- Insurance coverage for all passengers
- Possess driver’s good conduct certificate/letter
- Possess valid APAD Permit/Bus License/ Registration card copy/ R-Tax/ Puspakom approval documentations.
- A periodic check conducted on the vehicle’s body/engine/seat & Air-cond will be done by the school officials.
- All the agreement are signed by parents and maintains the rules & regulations as stated in the agreement.
- The school bus will be operated by an assistant to monitor the safety of the students
The new regulations state that a vehicle over 20 years of age is NOT allowed to operate as a TiS pre-qualified vehicle.
Please contact the school Admin Office for more information at admin@tanarata.net